Ancient Warfare Podcast (309): Finis Britanniae: A Military History of Late Roman Britain and the Saxon Conquest

In conversation with Ancient Warfare regular Marc DeSantis, Murray tells us about his new book 'Finis Britanniae: A Military History of Late Roman Britain and the Saxon Conquest'.

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1 comment

A fascinating discussion on the era when the legendary King Arthur is supposed to have existed. It appears that there may have been more than one Arthur as small areas of Romano-British resistance fought to repel invaders. Interestingly these invaders were christian but were regarded as pagan because their version of Christianity (such as followers of Peliogus’ teachings) were regarded as heresy in Rome, the seat of Catholicism. Finis Britanniae is published by Amberly and if the podcast is anything to go by should be worth a more detailed examination

gary potts

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