Theme: The opening blows at Gettysburg
- Mike Evans and Don Effinger, 'Lee invades Pennsylvania, again... - March to Gettysburg'.
- Mike Evans and Don Effinger, 'The race for the high ground: scenario 1 - Opening Shots'.
- Mike Evans and Don Effinger, 'Cutler’s stand: scenario 2 - Reinforcements arrive'.
- Mike Evans and Don Effinger, 'Herbst woods: scenario 3 - A full-scale engagement'.
- Mike Evans and Don Effinger, 'Oak Ridge: scenario 4 - Break the enemy!'.
- Mike Evans and Don Effinger, 'Desperate defence: scenarios 5, 6 and 7 - Holding the ridge'.
- Mike Evans and Don Effinger, 'The destruction of 11th Corps: closing scenarios - The fight north of town'.
- Guy Bowers, 'Union and Confederate troops of small stature - The Civil War in miniature'.
- David Imrie and Andrew Taylor, 'Side-show to Pickett’s charge - the East Cavalry field'.
- Guy Bowers, 'Victorian adventure from Osprey in the spirit of Kipling and Verne - In Her Majesty's Name'.
- Bouko de Groot, 'Bitesize Battles - Perire, Egypt, 1208 BC'.
- Mark Backhouse, 'An ancient's naval battle conversion - Hail Agrippa!'.
- Chris Peers, 'A scenario for the Légion étrangère in Africa - Refighting El Moungar'.
- Alexander Kawczynski, 'Timewaster or a really useful tool? - The blessings of the World Wide Web'.
- Stephen Hales, 'Converting Peltasts, Unarmoured Hoplites, Illyrians and Macedonians - Ancient plastic surgery'.
- Guy Bowers, 'A sneak peek at Longships from Peter Pig - Going A-Viking!'.
- Paul Burkin, 'Modern skirmish rules from Radio DishDash - Let's play Skirmish Sangin'.
- Rick Priestley, 'This Gaming Life’
- Richard Clarke, 'Up front'.
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